Students focusing on pursuing overseas education often get discouraged because of the monetary aspect surrounding the course of their interest. If you are currently second guessing your dream of studying abroad due to financial burdens, there is some very good news for you.
Institutions and Universities around the world have many scholarship programs in place to attract the best and the brightest minds from across the globe. The good news is - there are many international students from India, availing the benefits of various scholarship programs and grants offered to them by many reputed educational establishments around the world.
Scholarships and aides are a great way to decrease your overall expenses on foreign education. Before you look for appropriate scholarship programs to apply to, it is recommended that you understand the basic dos and don’ts to stand a better chance at receiving scholarships.
Identify the Scholarships That Suits You
So, you’ve got your university application, resume, SOP and LORs together and you have conducted your first search online: scholarships for college students.
And you got 35,000 results.
What now?
Unless you’re very good at time management, you’re not going to keep looking at all the 35,000 scholarships results. Instead, you need to refine your search to find the scholarship opportunities that match best with your self-inventory.
Another important distinction to keep in mind is the difference between “need-based” and “merit-based” scholarships. Merit-based awards are given based on individual achievement, and do not consider a student’s financial situation. Need-based awards, on the other hand, are given specifically to students who demonstrate financial need. If you know your family’s savings, a government grant or an award from your university or college will be covering most of your costs, you can save yourself time by not applying for these scholarships.
The different types of scholarships available
There are various kinds of scholarships available for every kind of student, majorly categorised as:
Merit-based: Based on a student’s academic record or extracurricular activities such as achievements in sports and service to the community.
Student specific: Students who qualify based on factors such as gender, race, religion, family and medical history can apply to such scholarships.
Destination specific: Several public authorities, governments or universities grant bursaries and funds to students from a particular country. For instance, scholarships offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand or the Chevening fellowship granted by the UK Government for international students from Commonwealth countries.
Subject specific: Certain universities and institutions award grants to students who plan to pursue a specific field of study.
Need-based: Targeted towards students facing financial constraint, these scholarships are offered on the basis of your parent’s financial background. Authorities may ask you for documents such as family income, tax statements, employment proofs, etc.
Athletic scholarships: Provided to top-notch sportsmen, these scholarships require you to contribute with rigorous training and representing your university at events whilst balancing your education.
That's right, scholarships for study abroad are widely available from a variety of sources. Surprisingly, thousands of dollars’ worth of scholarships go unclaimed every year simply because no one applies for them. Some of this money could be YOURS.
“The trick is knowing not only where to look for study abroad scholarships, but also how to apply for them.”
Even though they may not fully cover your study abroad costs, they'll help decrease your expenses and make your study abroad experience more affordable.
Some of the very popular scholarships and grants can be seen below;
1. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
Enrolled on one of Erasmus Mundus’ joint master degrees, you could receive a full scholarship covering your tuition fees and your living costs. Typically lasting between one and two years, the program would send you to at least two participating universities based overseas. Find out more here.
2. Fulbright Foreign Student Program
These scholarships to study abroad in the US support postgraduate students, young professionals’ artists pursuing studies or research. Admissions and entry requirements vary by nationality and are all listed here. Select your country in the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page and wait to be redirected to the relevant page.
3. QS Leadership Scholarship
This scholarship, worth US$10,000, is awarded each year to a prospective postgraduate student who demonstrates strong leadership capabilities and/or contribution to a specific community or cause. Could this be you? To find out, attend a QS World Grad Tour event and submit a short essay.
4. QS Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Also worth US$10,000, this postgraduate scholarship goes to a student who demonstrates strong academic potential, with the capacity to make a significant contribution in his or her field. It can be used towards tuition fees for a master’s or PhD program anywhere in the world.
4. QS Undergraduate Scholarship
Newly launched in 2016, this undergraduate scholarship is worth US$10,000 towards tuition fees for a bachelor’s degree at a university featured in any of the QS rankings. Applicants are asked to submit a short essay explaining how an inspirational person has impacted on their life and ambitions.
5. Great Wall Program
If you’re looking to study abroad in China, the Great Wall Program is funded by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The full scholarship sponsors international students and scholars from developing nations looking to study and/or pursue research in China. To apply, speak to the National Commission for UNESCO in your home country, apply to your chosen Chinese university with the documents provided by UNESCO, and submit your application online.
7. Clarendon Scholarships at the University of Oxford
Every year, the Clarendon Scholarships fund awards 140 much-prized postgraduate scholarships offering a full ride at the University of Oxford on the basis of academic merit, across all subjects. You will be automatically considered for the scholarship if you meet the January application deadline for your chosen course.
8. Adelaide Scholarships International
Australia’s University of Adelaide offers scholarships covering fees, health insurance and a stipend for international postgraduate students. The scholarship lasts for a total duration of two years for master’s degrees and three years for PhDs. To qualify, you must hold the equivalent of an Australian first class honors degree. To apply, submit an application online.
9. International Leader of Tomorrow Award at University of British Columbia
The University of British Columbia in Canada offers undergraduate scholarships to international applicants on the basis of economic need and academic merit. To be eligible, you must have an excellent academic track record, not hold a previous undergraduate degree, be an international student and demonstrate your financial need. Find out more here.
10. Westminster Full International Scholarship
To be eligible for a full scholarship to study abroad at the UK’s University of Westminster, you need to be an international applicant from a developing country and hold a full-time offer from the university. Find out if your country is considered to be developing here. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, financial need and development potential. Find out how to apply here.
These apart, each university and college have their own scholarships ranging from 10 to 50% of the tuition fees based on region, demography or scores of the students. Such Scholarships, Grants and Bursaries are updated annually and students can often get confused and in most cases apply for already expired grants. This is where we step in.
We assist students in identifying what type of scholarship suits them, go through the eligibility & criteria, application management and follow-up on behalf of the students.
To know more, visit our offices or give us a call. We will be happy to help.